COVID Stimulus Watch Individual Entry
Recipient Company:
American Intercontinental University
Grant Amount:
Recipient Details
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol PRDO)
Award Details
Award Date: Apr 9, 2020
Award Type: grant
Award Details: 1st Round Payment (HEERF I). Amount is the maximum portion of the school's allocation that can be used for institutional costs.
Program Name: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund ($500,000 and up)
Legislation: CARES
Awarding Agency: Education Department
Data Source for Award:
Parent Company Data
Parent Company: Perdoceo Education Corporation
Headquartered in: Illinois
Parent Sector: miscellaneous services
Parent Industry: educational services
Employees (prior to pandemic): 4,000
Accountability Issues Since 2010
Good Jobs First has no data in this category
Good Jobs First has no data in this category
Good Jobs First has no data in this category
Consumer Protection / Financial / Competition-related Penalties: $538,950,000
Ratio of CEO Pay to that of Median Worker: 172 to 1
CEO Compensation: $7,477,668
Worker Median Pay: $43,500
Total Federal, State, and Local Subsidies: $3,179,051
Violation Tracker